Office hours M-F 7:45 am – 3:45 pm
Excluding holidays, Summer, Winter & Spring Break.
Attendance Contact:
Phone: 661-298-8140, ext. 1110 or 1111
*Due to high call volume, email is the preferred form of communication.
Email the Attendance office:
[email protected]
Please allow 2 business days for requests to be processed. Refer to your Infinite Campus account for any details regarding attendance.
Infinite Campus Parent Portal
Daily Attendance phone calls are automatically generated to the primary contact phone number on the student’s account. We are not able to remove a phone number from receiving Daily Attendance phone calls as this will prevent the parent/guardian from receiving emergency calls.
Please check the Infinite Campus parent portal regularly. If you feel that an absence has been recorded in error, please have your student request an Attendance Class Correction Form from their teacher Staff Directory
Early Release:
- Students leaving due to illness, must be cleared through the Health Office.
- Parents/guardians should email, call or have the student drop off a note to the Attendance Office to request an early release.
***For early release emails please write STUDENT PICK UP in the subject line***
- The email, note or voicemail message must include:
o Student’s name
o Date & Time of Release
o Reason for Early Release
o Name of person picking up the student if not parent or guardian
o Parent/Guardian name
- Phone calls and email requests for early release must be made at minimum 30 minutes in advance of the requested release time.
- Expect a delay if a student is being released in the last 15 minutes of a class period.
- Expect a delay if students are being asked to be released during the last 30 minutes of the school day due to limited staff.
Bell Schedule
- Individuals listed as Emergency Contacts on your students’ profile, are only for emergencies (i.e. fire, earthquake etc.) in the event that we cannot reach parent/guardian. You must inform the attendance office of a designated approved person to pick up your student if it is not you the legal parent/guardian.
Off-Campus Lunch Permits
Off-Campus Lunch Permits are available to approved 11th & 12th grade only
Clearing an Absence or Tardy:
- A student is marked absent if not present in class after the first 30 minutes of the start of the period.
- A student is marked tardy if the student shows up for class after the bell rings and within the first 30 minutes of class.
- A tardy may be revised to an excused tardy if the student presents a doctor, dentist, or court note to the Attendance Office before going to class.
- Parents/guardians should email, call or write a note of excuse within 72 hours of the absence or tardy.
- Written medical, and/or legal notices should be provided if possible.
- Absences not cleared within 10 days will be marked unexcused.
- Education Code 48260(a) states in part that “A pupil subject to compulsory full-time education or to compulsory continuation education who is absent from school without a valid excuse three full days in one school year or tardy or absent for more than a 30-minute period during the school day without a valid excuse on three occasions in one school year, or any combination thereof, shall be classified as a truant…”
As part of our school safety plan, on-time attendance at the beginning of the class is highly valued by the Golden Valley High Staff and enables students to have the opportunity to benefit from the full class instructional time, and minimizes disruption of the class.
In the morning, we encourage students and parents to be aware of traffic patterns on nearby streets when driving to school. Leaving for school just ten minutes earlier can sometimes help to avoid a twenty-minute (or longer) traffic delay-- and ultimately help to avoid a first-period tardy.
- Any student not present in the classroom upon the conclusion of the late bell will be marked tardy by the teacher. Students will be recorded as absent should they arrive 30 minutes or later to class according to Education Code section 48260.
- Excessive tardiness due to traffic are considered unexcused.
- Beware that an excess of tardies/unexcused absences could result in lunch detention and/or loss of privileges. See student handbook for further information Student Handbook
- Students who loiter on campus instead of attending class are considered truant.
Students who are habitually absent may be referred to our school attendance review board (SARB).