Title I » Title I

Title I

What is Title I?


    Title I, Part A, is a federally funded program, which provides services to schools based on student economic needs. Title I is designed to support state and local school reform efforts tied to challenging state academic standards to improve teaching and learning, and to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education. Title I schools jointly develop a written parental involvement policy with parents each year called the School-Parent-Compact.

Why is parental/guardian involvement a factor in Title I funding?


  Parent/Guardian involvement is a crucial factor of Title I legislation. Schools receiving Title I funding must implement programs, activities, and procedures that include and promote parent involvement in school-related activities. Schools must also provide opportunities that encourage parent/guardian(s) to increase their knowledge and skills as they relate to their child’s education. One of the objectives of these programs and activities is to help parent/guardian(s) understand and show them how important their involvement is in shaping the lives of their children in becoming successful and productive contributors to our society.

What can I do?


Golden Valley provides opportunities for families to engage and be involved in their child’s education to support student learning. Parents/Guardian(s) are encouraged and invited to become partners in education with Golden Valley by contributing valuable ideas, input, and feedback throughout the year, which is used to revise our school site plans annually. Parent/Guardian(s) are encouraged to maintain regular two-way communication with school staff regarding issues involving student learning and successful participation in school sponsored programs.