Grizzlies Cornhole Tournament (Sponsored by the Grizzly Baseball Boosters)

Grizzlies Cornhole Tournament (Sponsored by the Grizzly Baseball Boosters)
11/2/2024, 11:00 AM 3:00 PM
Come out to Lucky Luke’s 11/2/24 to support the Golden Valley High Baseball team. Have some fun watching or playing in our cornhole tournament , eating, and drinking with friends. Custom hats and Permanent Jewelry vendor Chase Collective and Lucky Luke will donate an % of sales back to our Grizzlies between 11am-3pm. Lovely Taco Catering will be serving food at Lucky Luke’s and donating a % of sales All Day!!

Find a partner, pick a fun team name and Register to play today!!
First place Trophies and $200 Cash Prize
Second place Trophies and $80 in Raffle Tickets.
Guaranteed 4 games. The top 25 teams will go to a championship bracket. Have 1 person from your team of 2 Register in the Scoreholio APP, select find a tournament and look up Golden Valley High Grizzlies Baseball.

If you can’t download the App you can simply register and pay directly using this link:…

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